強鋒科技成立於 2019 年 3 月,目前在桃園設有工廠和研發中心。

我們的團隊結合各領域之專業人才,專注於高階電路設計、模組 設計、製造、零組件焊接等相關服務。亦提供客戶在研發需求及模組化需求中,量身設計的客製化開發服務。

服務範疇不僅涵蓋商用領域,更擴及國防、醫療、半導體等自 動化、遠程訊息處理應用,如衛星導航、衛星定位等各類通信產品設計。


We focus on the high-end circuit and module design, manufacturing, component welding and other related services. We also provide development and customized design services for customer on their requirements and modularization.We not only provide commercial service but also in aerospace and defense, medical, and semiconductor applications with automatic and telecommunication application such as satellite navigation, GPS, and other communication device design.We provide high quality, high reliability that provide the highest level of products, meet the needs of customers in various fields of application. With the extremely stable delivery efficiency and quality, we have become the most highly evaluated manufacturer of circuit boards and circuit board modules in this industry.